t2’24 dates announced

TL;DR – t2’24 April 18-19, 2024, Helsinki Finland. Mark your calendars and prepare your training & travel budgets for the next season. Watch t2’23 Andy Jones keynote.

The unabridged version:

The information ops run amok on social media platforms, mainstream media, image boards, and state media, by more or less anyone wanting to influence the world politics one way or another make it non-trivial to grasp both the nuances and the broader impact of any affairs having a global impact.

The non-simplicity of the current situation, or the eternal meta, in Europe is not-so-subtly highlighted by the seemingly easy cohabitation of German luxury cars with Russian and Ukrainian plates in Jūrmala, Latvia – known as The Baltic Riviera, a popular destination also for Finns and Estonians. Historically a favorite among Communist officials, the location is considerably more Western after this July.

First-person narratives still hold value, and considering that you are spending the most valuable currency in existence for humans – time – during the interaction, makes it an infinitely more symmetrical experience for all parties involved.

While anecdotal experiences are hardly the whole story, they do give a level of ground truth unattainable by any other means. Just like zealous investigative journalism is practically indistinguishable from intelligence activities, firsthand experiences from those directly involved get you as close to those events as possible, until a heavily dramatized Netflix documentary is released.

This is what t2 aims at – allowing the attendees, both speakers and guests to engage in a meaningful dialogue and exchange of knowledge. Despite what we are told to believe, information still wants to be free. It’s the Sky Room Bar & Lounge view, which costs money. Next year on April 18-19, Clarion Hotel Helsinki.

For your viewing pleasure, the keynote by Andy Jones from t2’23.

Andy Jones keynote at t2’23