t2'19 | t2 infosec conference https://t2.fi Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:29:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://t2.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-t2_web-icon-32x32.png t2'19 | t2 infosec conference https://t2.fi 32 32 John Lambert keynote https://t2.fi/2019/12/24/john-lambert-keynote/ Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:29:48 +0000 https://t2.fi/?p=1625 Merry Christmas! As a small Christmas gift, we’re publishing John Lambert‘s t2’19 keynote “Advancing InfoSec”. In the keynote John demonstrates with practical examples how we can accelerate learning through “Githubication of Infosec”. If you are a modern defender, or aspire to be one, this is the presentation to watch. Without giving away too much, graphs, …

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Merry Christmas! As a small Christmas gift, we’re publishing John Lambert‘s t2’19 keynote “Advancing InfoSec”.

In the keynote John demonstrates with practical examples how we can accelerate learning through “Githubication of Infosec”. If you are a modern defender, or aspire to be one, this is the presentation to watch. Without giving away too much, graphs, MITRE ATT&CK (with cloud updates), winter2020, and repeatable analysis with Jupyter notebooks are all covered.

Thank you John for keynoting this year, and our warmest gratitude for the following kind words:

t2 has always had that commitment to technical excellence. .. Conferences, they may start like this, but they don’t always end up like this.

— John Lambert

Honoring that tradition has kept us going for the past sixteen years, and we promise to continue work hard to keep it this way, as t2 has always been and always will be an event for the community. Next year’s conference dates are Oct 29-30, 2020.

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t2’19 speakers confirmed https://t2.fi/2019/08/12/t219-speakers-confirmed/ Mon, 12 Aug 2019 01:20:26 +0000 https://t2.fi/?p=1597 The CFP is over for this year and the speaker lineup is ready for your reading pleasure. Without sounding too enthusiastic for a Finn, it’s difficult not to get excited when there are entries on the agenda like the keynote from John Lambert, Distinguished Engineer and General Manager of the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center. A …

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The CFP is over for this year and the speaker lineup is ready for your reading pleasure.

Without sounding too enthusiastic for a Finn, it’s difficult not to get excited when there are entries on the agenda like the keynote from John Lambert, Distinguished Engineer and General Manager of the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center. A seasoned t2 attendee might remember him from sparking the original inspiration behind olleB’s t2’15 talk ”If attackers think in graphs, why can’t we?”.

Looking at the schedule, it’s both refreshing and rousing to see research targeting wireless input devices and VPN clients. Both could easily be dismissed during target selection as mature technology, yet here we are. Having said that, there’s still a healthy focus on modern and up-and-coming tech in the agenda, such as using machine learning for vulndev.

Traditionally this post always ends with a gentle reminder to get your ticket early. The sales have been open for a couple of months and a good chunk of the tickets have already been sold. If you haven’t bought yours already, there’s not a better time for action than right now.

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Call for papers 2019 https://t2.fi/2019/04/02/call-for-papers-2019/ Tue, 02 Apr 2019 18:49:10 +0000 https://t2.fi/?p=1568 We’re back. October 24-25 in Helsinki. CFP and ticket sales are now open. Looking for an event worthy of your 0days or world class research? Prefer conference disclosure over jumping through hoops with uninterested vendors? Worried of sponsors doing shady backroom deals to block your talk? We’ve got your back. As an independent, vendor-neutral, practically-non-profit …

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We’re back. October 24-25 in Helsinki. CFP and ticket sales are now open.

Looking for an event worthy of your 0days or world class research? Prefer conference disclosure over jumping through hoops with uninterested vendors? Worried of sponsors doing shady backroom deals to block your talk? We’ve got your back. As an independent, vendor-neutral, practically-non-profit conference we value freedom of information and our guests over everything else – ethos, which has kept us going for the past fifteen years.

Organized for hackers by hackers, we’re the oldest technical security event in Finland. Our goal of providing audience with high quality technical content and a welcoming atmosphere, competitive on a global scale, brings people to Helsinki annually from all around the globe. Whether you’re coming from US, Israel, Russia, Germany, UK, France, Singapore, or heaven forbid, even Sweden, you’re guaranteed to find like-minded people to share ideas or drinks with.

“What happened in Vegas does not happen in Finland”

— Eevil Stöö

Never heard of Finland? No worries, we’re used to it! In addition to being the home country of Slush, we have a vibrant Moomin based import-export relationship with Japan. Luckily the Finnish language is as easy to learn as Japanese, only less popular. Here, in the home country of Linux, technology is so ingrained into our culture that even gangsta rappers know what’s up. As a nation, we’re also very comfortable with the idea of having a meeting naked – as long as traditional Sauna is involved.

t2’19 offers you an audience with a taste for technical security presentations containing original content. This is your chance to showcase the latest research and lessons in playing Jenga with memory allocators, practical cryptographic attacks against hardware, blinking the wrong LEDs, DIY torque vectoring, stealing Wu-Tang albums with Bill Murray, bypassing modern exploit mitigation techniques, combining policy work with offensive/defensive technology, running a Whisk(e)y distillery, having a complicated relationship with nation states, efficient data analysis of Internet traffic streams on botanical continent level, hacking space shuttles, catching bad guys with SIGNIT, nondestructive / covert entry, professional shitposting, elegant cyber crime or any other relevant research containing the type of love and happiness appreciated by seasoned conference attendees.

The advisory board will be reviewing submissions until 2019-07-31. Slide deck submission final deadline 2019-09-11 for accepted talks.

First come, first served. Submissions will not be returned.

Quick facts for speakers
+ presentation length 60-120 minutes, in English
+ complimentary travel and accommodation for one person[6]
+ decent speaker hospitality benefits
+ no marketing or product propaganda

Still not sure if this is for you? Check out the blast from the past.

Considering many of our visitors know what they want and trust us to deliver, we’re making their life easy.. The registration is now open!

The total amount of attendees, including speakers and organizers is limited to 99.

How to submit
Fill out the form at https://t2.fi/action/cfp

[0] {“enableDebug”:true, “password”:”changeme”}
[6] Except literally @nudehaberdasher and @0xcharlie

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2019 dates announced https://t2.fi/2018/11/05/2019-dates-announced/ Mon, 05 Nov 2018 10:14:04 +0000 https://t2.fi/?p=1541 Get your calendar out and be ready for another edition of t2! Like a French scientist once remarked, in the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind. Dates announced: t2 infosec in Helsinki | October 24-25, 2019 | 15 years of technical security excellence #t2infosec With that out of the way, we are …

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Get your calendar out and be ready for another edition of t2! Like a French scientist once remarked, in the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.

Dates announced: t2 infosec in Helsinki | October 24-25, 2019 | 15 years of technical security excellence #t2infosec

With that out of the way, we are also updating the process for giving out complimentary tickets. After successfully running the t2 challenge for over a decade, and then giving a shot at other formats, we are retiring the concept of a challenge. While this marks the end of an era, it does not mean we have stopped appreciating fresh and upcoming talent – on the contrary, we feel it is extremely important to give young guns a helping hand and an opportunity to jump-start their artisanal career in the craft of cyber.

Instead, starting 2019, each member of the advisory board has the power to annually reward a person (or an entity) with a free ticket. As before, this free entry entitles the recipient to all the same benefits given to a regular ticket holder. To commemorate that special moment, we have ordered custom t2 challenge coins. All hints and tips are naturally appreciated, so if you know someone who in your opinion deserves a free entry, please let us know! Elegant bribery, trickery, subterfuge, exploitation or other artful, mischievous behavior requiring skill is always appreciated.

Greetings to Daniele Bianco for the awesome challenge coin design! Pics will be posted on Twitter once the coins arrive.

The post 2019 dates announced first appeared on t2 infosec conference.]]>