Surviving the times

The beauty of good research is that it rarely gets old over night. Instead it matures, giving perspective to fundamentals or an outlook to a different time – possibly even igniting or re-igniting the passion and serving as a platform for fresh ideas. New technologies fall in the face of old methods yet defensive tactics still work despite being exposed to the real world for decades/centuries/millennia.

In 2015 we recorded talks for the first time, and continued doing so last year. These will be released semi-regularly, in no particular order, in the coming months. Having had the privilege of witnessing world class content at t2 over the years, we know what stands the test of time. While memes and movie references can either become classics or disappear completely, talent and fruits of persistent work remain.

Conferences are all about meeting people, making connections and exchanging information. By showcasing past presentations we hope to inspire you to start doing research and tinkering with technology – you will meet like-minded people from all over the world at t2.