Sold out | t2 infosec conference Sun, 23 Oct 2016 15:11:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sold out | t2 infosec conference 32 32 The Three-seat Problem Sun, 23 Oct 2016 15:11:41 +0000 Yeah, we know – a nerdy reference to a great book. If you’ve ever been to t2, you know that the atmosphere and networking is everything. In order to keep it that way, we have always limited the amount of attendees to 99. Usually all the seats are sold out about one month before the event takes …

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Yeah, we know – a nerdy reference to a great book.

If you’ve ever been to t2, you know that the atmosphere and networking is everything. In order to keep it that way, we have always limited the amount of attendees to 99.

Usually all the seats are sold out about one month before the event takes place and this year is not an exception. That being said, we just got three cancellations, so we have three seats left.

If you were thinking of coming but missed the party, now is your chance.

Oh, and we will soon announce our surprise speaker 🙂

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99 problems but a free ticket ain’t one Sun, 04 Oct 2015 23:56:41 +0000 Three and half weeks until t2’15. We’re sold out but we didn’t sell out. The hard limit of 99 attendees is the corner stone of the conference and come hell or high water, it’s here to stay. It’s also the reason we think now is a good time to remind those who plan on attending t2’16 to sneak …

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Three and half weeks until t2’15. We’re sold out but we didn’t sell out. The hard limit of 99 attendees is the corner stone of the conference and come hell or high water, it’s here to stay.

It’s also the reason we think now is a good time to remind those who plan on attending t2’16 to sneak those figures into next year’s budget. After that, it’s just a case of “We had this discussion last October” and “Our training budget accounts for t2, lobby bar and/or random 0day”. Some of the more veteran attendees have taken this a step further and just labeled the cost as threat intel. After all, it’s the one budget category where you can pour in money and nobody questions the spending or the results.

Speaking of money, we’d like to see Lester Freamon’s take on attribution when it comes to those annoyingly pedestrian toolkits.

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t2’14 is sold out Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:12:31 +0000 This is just a quick note to let you know that we have closed the registration as t2’14 is sold out. Effectively this means that unless somebody cancels we don’t have any tickets left.

The post t2’14 is sold out first appeared on t2 infosec conference.]]>
This is just a quick note to let you know that we have closed the registration as t2’14 is sold out.

Effectively this means that unless somebody cancels we don’t have any tickets left.

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