Advisory Board | t2 infosec conference Mon, 03 Mar 2014 18:48:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Advisory Board | t2 infosec conference 32 32 Call for Advisory Board members Mon, 03 Mar 2014 18:48:36 +0000 Background With the t2’s 10th anniversary at hand it is time to invigorate the Advisory Board and its working methods to ensure a solid foundation for the next ten years. The new Advisory Board will consist of two permanent (Tomi Tuominen and Mikko Hyppönen) and 1-2 temporary members. The temporary members will be chosen to …

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With the t2’s 10th anniversary at hand it is time to invigorate the Advisory Board and its working methods to ensure a solid foundation for the next ten years. The new Advisory Board will consist of two permanent (Tomi Tuominen and Mikko Hyppönen) and 1-2 temporary members.

The temporary members will be chosen to serve for a limited term. In addition to rotating the members, the intention is to lower the average age of the Advisory Board. While being a grumpy old man certainly has its advantages, the board also welcomes fresh blood and new ideas. The board membership is an active position requiring participation all year round.


Example tasks entrusted to Advisory Board members:

  • participating in the CFP process
  • taking care of the speakers’ needs
  • VIP transfers and welcome ceremonies
  • organizing and ensuring the timely arrival of deliveries
  • social media and communication
  • dealing with conference partners and service providers
  • venue scouting
  • designing catering arrangements and menus
  • downplaying and preventing escalation of incidents during the conference (e.g. dispersing crowds gathered around popped web kiosks)
  • pulling a Kansas City Shuffle

Qualifications and skills

The ideal candidate will have some or all of the following traits and attributes:

  • passionate for infosec. you live and breath technical information security
  • limited exposure to infosec industry and the eventual cynicism, or unnecessarily high amount of enthusiasm despite that
  • sharp eye and no-nonsense attitude for separating the wheat from the chaff during “Call for Papers”
  • willing to put in work (organizing a conference and making t2 succeed year after year consists of hard, and sometimes tedious work)
  • impervious to bribery consisting of, but not limited to, money, controlled and uncontrolled substances, sexual favours, Dogecoins, ops on major irc channels, botnet access, political influence, depleted uranium, horse masks or discount coupons to Windows Marketplace
  • ability to keep calm and carry on while APT is pwning all the cellphones in the building or hotel has double-booked the conference floor (2010 and 2013, respectively)
  • a considerable stash of private 0day (weaponized) or single malt whisky (Highlands and Islay preferred) to share with the Advisory Board during the selection process
  • fluent in English
  • working knowledge of the Finnish language (while the conference is international, all internal and most service provider communication is in Finnish)

The following skills are preferred but not mandatory:

  • leaving your submission to the webroot
  • not actively wanted by the Interpol, or great disguise skills
  • reverse sleeping pattern
  • dynamic team-player who leverages the synergy of a vertically integrated marketplace, capable of hard real-time multitasking in adverse and emotionally hostile work environments
  • one or more of the following certifications/achievements: Master Sommelier, AVN Award winner, Master of Wine, Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority, Certified Massage Therapist, BUD/S, Meilleur Ouvrier de France
  • Olympic medal in biathlon


  • the warm feeling, which comes from organizing a conference
  • street cred for organizing a hardcore conference
  • free entry to the conference and a chance to miss some of the talks
  • your name on the website (note – htmlencoding will be applied)
  • unspecified opportunities not available to laymen
  • possibility to gain an infinite amount of experience or a nervous breakdown, whichever comes first
  • annual performance bonus: t-shirt and a handshake

Additional information

The conference is organized for hackers, by hackers. Advisory Board membership is a non-paid volunteer position. Information wants to be free. The deadline for applications is March 31. Nominations will be announced in the beginning of April. The choice for application format and transmission medium is free.

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