2018 | t2 infosec conference https://t2.fi Sun, 21 Oct 2018 14:16:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://t2.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-t2_web-icon-32x32.png 2018 | t2 infosec conference https://t2.fi 32 32 Halvar Flake keynote https://t2.fi/2018/10/21/halvar-flake-keynote/ Sun, 21 Oct 2018 14:16:45 +0000 https://t2.fi/?p=1529 The advisory board and organizers of t2 are honored and pleased to have Halvar Flake deliver the headlining keynote for the 15th anniversary edition of the event. His speaking history with t2 starts in 2005, and Halvar is certainly recognized as one the luminaries in the field. The following teaser provides a taste of what …

The post Halvar Flake keynote first appeared on t2 infosec conference.]]>
The advisory board and organizers of t2 are honored and pleased to have Halvar Flake deliver the headlining keynote for the 15th anniversary edition of the event. His speaking history with t2 starts in 2005, and Halvar is certainly recognized as one the luminaries in the field. The following teaser provides a taste of what to expect.

Risks, Damn Lies, and Probabilities

IT continues to bring pervasive change to our societies, industries, and everyday life. This transformation also brings individualized and complicated risks to individuals, companies, and to societies.

IT security is, to some extent, charged with managing these risks. But for an industry tasked with managing risk, we are pretty unstructured in thinking about risk, accounting for risk, and most of all: Holding ourselves and other tech executives accountable for estimates of risks and their probabilities.

The IT industry is often incentivized to incur risks on behalf of others – and to underestimate the actual magnitude of these risks. Customers are either not empowered or not incentivized to challenge excessively rosy risk estimates. Entire executive careers in IT are built on underestimating risks incurred for others.

This talk will cover my observations about the ways we think sloppily about risk and harm, about the IT industries’ lack of risk management for systemic risks, and some thoughts about holding IT industry executives accountable for their risk estimates and decisions.

— Halvar Flake

The post Halvar Flake keynote first appeared on t2 infosec conference.]]>